Friday, 12 September 2008

Marmite Monster

Im a bit of a grazer, I like to snack, small meals offering different tastes are far better than one large plate of food. This in part is why I love tapas and mezes, the whole concept appeals to my snackling side.

Which brings me to Marmite, whilst I realise its an acquired taste and you could argue its colour and texture, not to mention the smell could be classed as offputting, to me, its childhood in a jar. Even when we lived in Germany, there was always marmite in the larder. When we traveled anywhere marmite sandwichs was always on the menu, not to mention the marmite and buttered toast before we even left home.

One of my favourite comfort come snackling food is a very simple marmite on toast with a fried egg splatted on top. When you cut into the egg and the yolk spills out intermingling with the marmite and the buttered toast, Im five again and sometimes thats no bad thing.

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